Thursday, July 31, 2014

Audrey's turn to guest blog.

This is my daughter Audrey.  I asked her to tell me what her favorite oils were and she told me "ALL OF THEM"  I figured I needed to take another approach with her so instead I told her to pretend she could only take ONE oil with her when she was leaving to go somewhere then I extended it to 2 then relented and let her have a third (after she begged for just one more).  The following will be her thoughts on each of these 3 oils.  I am asking her to give me her thoughts and then putting it into complete thoughts for her.

 Her first choice was Aroma Seiz.  She chose this oil as her first choice because she was recently diagnosed with a condition called xiphoiditis and it seems to provide her relief when it starts to hurt her.  She has tried other oils for this condition but this one seems to be the only one that helps.  The  first oil she tried was Panaway and she says that one was not strong enough for her.

Her next choice was Lemon.  This one I find funny but not surprising at all.  I have found her adding it to her drinks on occasion including in her NingXia Red.  I asked her why else she liked this oil and she said she did not really know because she has never really thought about it.  She does however like the fact that it is not sweet but also not sour at the same time.  She also likes it to make lemonade because it is easier than squeezing lemons.   

When begging for one more oil this this next oil she was begging for by name, not just asking for another oil in the generic sense.  Her last oil that she wanted was Thieves oil.  She likes this oil because it has many different uses. One way she uses it (that she says surprised her) is for bug bites.  When she applies it to a bug bite it may 'burn or sting a little' but then you almost forget that you even have the bite until you see it again.  She also likes it for use when you have a sore throat or a cold.  She has used it in the same manner as I did with my first experience.  If you do not know what I am referring to visit my first blog (labeled who we are and why we oil).  She also likes the fact that it tends to keep you healthier when applied to the bottoms of your feet or ingested.

Asked how she feels about us starting to use the oils this is what she had to say:  Since we started using the oils, I have seen a big difference in our lifestyle in that we have not gotten sick as often.  You can use certain oils on pets.  We have started relying on the oils more than the medicines and drugs that are prescribed today.  I believe that medicines can destroy your body when used too much but the oils on the other hand are natural herbs and fruits from the earth itself.  The oils are also good for purifying your home and making it cleaner without harsh chemicals that are harmful to your body.  The oils are also good to use on little children including young babies (like my baby brother, for example lavender shampoo & the other Lavender products).  The lavender lotion is also a good product that I like to use.  It has stopped my skin from drying out so much.  I used to apply other lotion products several times a day where with the lavender lotion I can apply it only one or two times a day.  

Asked what she would say to you, the readers, this was her advice:  I hope you try the Young Living essential oils someday and that your life will be changed with their use just as ours were when we started to get away from the harsh chemicals.

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